The Funny Mummies Writing Club

If you:
are tired of saying that you “want to write” but never seem to get around to it;
find yourself thinking about writing more than actually doing it;
know that if left to your own devices you’ll keep on faffing around;
want to step up and make yourself and your creativity a priority;
...then welcome to your tribe!
The Funny Mummies Writing Club is run by Jenny Wynter and powered by Substack. All payments are secured using
Welcome to The Funny Mummies Writing Club!
And before you think ‘Oh wait, ‘Funny Mummies’ - I don’t know if I fit that bill!’ Rest assured:
You do not need to be funny.
You do not need to write funny.
All you need is to want to write.
Tap back into the FUN of writing, add accountability and watch your creativity soar!
This is the supportive cheer-squad
you didn't know you needed.
Come and be creative among like-minded souls who don’t take themselves too seriously and want to carve out some time for themselves to do something that fills their own cup!
We’re gonna write.
We’re gonna kick goals.
And most importantly, we’re going to have FUN while we’re doing it!
The Funny Mummies Writing Club gives you access to
Live group writing sessions
Once a week we’ll kick off with a quick pep talk, share our writing goals for the session then write side by side (or rather, screen by screen) to help us stay focused and on track.
While our sessions are focused on the actual writing, we do also have bits of chit chat and connection and cross-pollination with each other. We've already seen some magical connections and shared inspiration/epiphanies happen!
Dedicated FB Community
Ask questions, share insights, celebrate your wins.
Motivational Pep-talkS
Delivered straight to your inbox every Monday to help get your mojo flowing for the week ahead!
Frequently Asked Questions
When will the live writing sessions be?
They're going to be at different days/times each month to allow for people's different people's schedules. We'll regularly update you with each month's session days and times. We'll adjust as we go forward to do our best to make sure everyone can make it regularly, no matter their schedule or timezone.
What if I don't have a specific project to work on?
You can use our co-working sessions for whatever you like!
We've had people use it to go through old notes, to illustrate and sketch, to get paperwork done!
We've been set up with the intention of doing creative writing but anything that floats your boat is more than welcome.
Is it okay for me to join the session late?
Absolutely! When you join us, we'll just ask you to put yourself on mute and then we'll check in with you once we're having a sprinting break.
"Jump at any opportunity you can to work with Jenny! You'll be so glad you did!"
Dr Jo Loth, Director of DramA
The National Theatre
I want IN! How much?
I want this to be CRAZY affordable. Like there’s-no-reason-not-to-do-it affordable.
$10 inc GST a month (that’s $2.30 a week! - less than half the price of a cup of coffee!)
pay 12 months upfront for $100 inc GST (get 2 months free)
Whether you want to write:
A novel
A memoir
A play
A graphic novel
A killer pitch
A journal
A script
A live show
Or something else entirely...
This is your call to get accountability and support from a positive and uplifting group to help your creative musings out of your head and onto the page. I can't wait to see you in there!Â

The Funny Mummies Writing Club is run by Jenny Wynter and powered by Substack. All payments are secured using
"Writing has always been something I struggle with... I’ve attempted to keep written journals, but I couldn't seem to find the words... Jenny really helped me break that cycle...(it) has finally helped my written voice emerge!"