1. This super cool poster from the very sweet selection at Sycamore Street Press.

Admittedly, it would be even better if my baby could read it. And get the joke. But in the meantime, I’m happy to laugh in…
2. …my bubba’s cute little face.

The Cass-Meister
3. The thought of doing my upcoming week-long stint of Kids Tours at the Art Gallery! SOOOO in love with the exhibition I’ll be leading kids through and so excited to be getting back into working life again.
4. This apartment – oh my word, not only is it Colour Central (a place after my own heart – my hubby is always saying that it takes him a good few days to come to terms with some of my bolder clothing choices, only to realise that they are perfectly me!) but this place is a NON-PROFIT ART HOTEL FOR TRAVELLING ARTISTS. Say what? Are you serious?

Philadelphia Art Hotel
Excuse me would you? I just have to find a spatula to scrape my drooling jaw off my now rather limp foot.
And finally…
5. My 7-year-old daughter came running inside yesterday from the mailbox, with a letter in her hand, all suspicious smiles. “Mummy!” she called. “You have a letter!”
Knowing full well I’d already collected the mail, I played along and opened my lovely delivery. And this was what was inside:

Needless to say, I will be holding onto this one for life. So when if she turns evil in her teens and/or tries to divorce us daggy, out-of-touch parents, I can present this as evidence that I ain’t all bad.
Oh yeah, and you know, it’s beautiful and all that!
Evidence, I tell ya!
What about you? What’s making you smile right now?
