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Writer's pictureJenny Wynter

Sometimes Good News Plays Hard to Get

Only in New York

I remember years ago feeling very down about my career (which at that point was very much focused on being a screenwriter) and the lack of progress I’d made since uni. I very distinctly recall a phone conversation with my sister, in which I dramatically sighed – a move I’ve since perfected – that “I think I just need to accept that this is as good as it gets.”

The very next morning I got a letter from Tropnest, saying I’d been accepted into their screenwriting initiative at Fox Studios.

Well, yesterday I had a serious case of de ja vous.

I had applied to the Ian Potter Cultural Trust, you see, to do some intensive private workshops in musical improv and solo improv with the respectively brilliant Michael Pollock and Gary Austin in LA. The announcement date had come and gone, however, and with no news coming in the mail, I had simply assumed that I was not one of the chosen ones.

Which is all well and good. Just that I’d been feeling – as you know – a bit down on the lack of momentum on the career front this year since the car crash.

Anyhoo, as my application now put me on Ian Potter’s general mailing list, I received from them yesterday the “Merry Christmas News” email. I opened it up, and curious, clicked on the link to see who the recent recipients of the Cultural Trust grants actually were.

It was then that I scrolled through this.

And saw MY NAME.

I think I actually squealed.

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