I am in love (the real kind, I tells ya) with this ridicu-cool Star Wars dress. AGH! It makes me want to cry Ewok tears.
Please forgive my lack of posts of late.
I’m giving myself licence to have a good whinge just for a moment. Okay, a few moments. At least a post’s worth.
MAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN….we’ve had a stressful month.
I say ‘had’ in the hope that the stress is now behind us.
Note to self: the next time I think about moving house in the same month that I’ve got a major show coming up at a festival…just…you know. Delay. Whatever.
Seriously, my rehearsals are at times, ridiculous. Picture me, at the piano, singing my lungs out, surrounded by boxes in various stages of unpackedness, with one child banging down one end of the piano and my toddler in my lap, not so much tickling the ivories as slapping their buttocks, with his own vocals thrown into the mix.
I’ve gotta video that shit.
In fact, I will. Maybe even tonight.
Right after I find where we packed the good scotch. (I love writing that as thought I know what ‘good’ scotch actually is.)
Anyhoo, just wanted to say a big sorry for the absence and the lack of coherence in this here ole post. Hopefully back to normal scheduling shortly!
*Image courtesy of A Beautiful Mess