Found on my recent Adelaide adventure. Her memorial just reads “She cared.”
Been a while since I’ve done one of these!
Okay, first for the rocking nuggets of jawsome I’ve spotted around the interwebs lately:
Cate Bolt. Oh man. I’ve talked about her before on here. This woman just…I don’t even have words. Talk about walking the walk. This post is so confronting, not that it contains anything graphic, it’s just that her writing about this stuff makes my imagination go places that make me want to bury my head right back in the sand.
How to Support an Artist Without Spending a Dime via ScoutieGirl. Amen!
I think this train of thought “if you want to date someone great, be someone great” is also totally apt for us shacked-up-with-kids types. Even if it’s a bit (and by “a bit”, I mean “a lot”) harder than it used to be to find the time to dedicate to just being freaking fabulous.
We now resume our regular programming, aka the selfish me-me-me updates!
– Only 1 week to go til An Unexpected Variety Show hits the Judith Wright Centre for its final showing. Betty and the Betties have been rehearsing our little buttocks off – all ten of em between us – for our support spot, which includes 3 brand new songs never performed before together and we’re getting pumped! STRUT!
– In preparation for this, I’m gonna get me some crazy hair.
– Our pozible campaign for Wonderland has already passed 10% of its target and it’s only day five I think?! So amped. We’ve added a few extra rewards over there too, including an Executive Producer credit on the final DVD. I’ve also started a Wonderland board on pinterest, to put all the crazy stuff I find that’s just plain wonderful. Wanna contribute to it? Would love you to! Just comment or email me and I’ll add you as a contributor! 🙂