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  • Writer's pictureJenny Wynter

Home again, home again, jiggedy jig

Just wanted to let my billions upon billions of loyal readers know that the tour is now officially OVER. In fact, it’s so last week. Pfft.

But…for those of you intent on hanging onto the past, I shall do a full wrap-up tomorrow. Because tomorrow is da-da-da-da-da-da…DAYCARE DAY!!! Be still my beating uterus.

I cannot believe how tough the past week has been. In fact, my disbelief is so strong that whenever questioned about it I just dissolve into giggles like the madwoman I apparently am. Even Tim, who was so incredibly excited and in love with the kids after having had 10 days away from them, sighed in exasperation some half-hour after getting them home… “Oh man, how on earth did you DO it?!?!”

I don’t know.

All I can say is that I’m re-thinking the whole “Mums who dare to dream” book. Not to get rid of it, but just to re-work the angle. Because the last thing I want to do is put pressure on mummies to go forth and conquer. Not that they can’t, but that bloody hell, it takes a lot out of you. Out with the Supermummy! Because for the past few weeks I’ve been her, and frankly, the experience is completely over-rated.

Did you hear that?

That was me collapsing in a heap.

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Blogging again!

Hey ho! Nowadays you can find me blogging again over here. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!

I acknowledge the Gubbi Gubbi, Wakka Wakka and Butchulla peoples, the First Nation Traditional Owners of Country, and custodians of the land and waters on which I live and work, and all the peoples who have welcomed me on Country. I pay respects to all Elders past and present and acknowledge the young leaders who are working beside Elders in our cultural industries in the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices. I recognise all First Nation peoples as the original storytellers of these lands and acknowledge the important role they continue to play in our community.

Jenny Wynter

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