Tutu. Cowboy boots. Microphone. I AM HOME.
How to do justice in one measly post to the incredibly week that has just been? Note to 2012: I am a huge fan already and we’ve barely begun.
If you’re into it you can read my full day-by-day breakdowns of the Australian Cabaret Summer School experience over here at Cabaret Confessional, however in short:
– I feel like an entire world of possibilities has just opened up to me in terms of what is creatively possible.
– My goal during the Summer School was to come up with a new 10 minute piece (i.e. for the showcase) which would then form the basis of my next show, i.e. the one after “An Unexpected Variety Show” and I was so very, very excited by the results that a huge part of me just wants to drop everything, write the new show and start performing it now, now, now! I guess it’s a similar feeling to being pregnant with the second bundle, when you’re all “agh! A new excitement!” but have to also remember that the precious nugget you’ve already got in your life is pretty damn special and in need of your love and attention too!
– I made so many beautiful connections with truly wondrous people this week who I am already missing. Crazy. Good thing I’m going to be back in Radelaide soon for my Fringe show and this time with a fantastic community of folks to hook up with. So, so grateful for that unexpected bit of awesome.
– The showcase was filmed; I am currently trying to get my hot little hands on some of the footage so will post that on here as soon as I am able. I have one piece in particular I am dying to share around the interwebs, it was such an out of the blue piece that I developed through the week with some spectacular mentors; I honestly didn’t expect to perform it at all, it was more of an experiment really, but turned out to be my personal highlight performance-wise. Watch this space!
– I am slowly coming back to earth; it always takes me a few days to settle back into the routine of family life after these adrenalin fuelled stints, the fact it has been pouring with rain has been a little tricky on the one hand, but has meant lots of hot cups of tea and snuggles with my kidlets on the other. And again, I say DAMN we are all nice to each other when we’ve had some space away!
