That’s what this guy asked me the other night, a guy I’d only just met at my sister’s party.
After announcing to me within moments that he made a point of ‘scaring people’ in conversation, he spent the next twenty minutes or proving himself right.
He was a philosophy student you see, into his fourth degree on the subject and obviously a huge fan of intellectual banter. A little too much of a fan, if you know what I mean. We bantered. I left. We bantered some more. I left again. A little more banter later and I suddenly realised I was being sucked into his duel of minds against my will. Within moments, our conversation was turning from intellectual wankery into a sort of uncomfortable abuse that was bordering on intellectual harrassment. Sounds weird? Well…it was.
I left again: for good.
But as it wrapped up, I do remember him saying to me: “Hang on a minute. Am I going to be on your blog?”
I laughed and laughed and laughed.
“Hell no.”