Lights! Adelaide Fringe lights! Preeeety!
On day two of the Adelaide Fringe, I feel as though I’ve psyched myself up for months to run a marathon, only to venture fifty metres into the race and find to my horror that already my legs are tired! The ever-lovely Francesca Martinez told me last night that her first full festival experience was the same, but just to relax and know that I will hit my groove and that in future, it won’t be such a shock!
I am exhausted.
Things are going beautifully, however, so it’s a happy and mildly delirious exhaustion.
Yesterday saw: – a last minute scavenger hunt across the city to find a quite major show prop. My dear friends had already organised it for me, only to have their car break down yesterday and as they live quite a way away, and I am car-less, it was the stuff of mild heart attacks. Luckily Deb, a recent friend I have made down here, swung into action, carting me around on an op shop tour of Adelaide…when we had no luck, she just said “Well! I’ll just drive out to them then!” and off she went. Superheroes are helping me out so much down here, allowing me to fulfil yet another personal dream to play Lois Lane.
– doing a short musical comedy set at the “Caravan Fringe in the Mall” stage. Despite the fact I was chuckling at myself for my ridiculous decision to insert another gig (a good walk from my venue, no less) right in the middle of my TECH RUN (mama, mia, what is my problem?!) it was rather delicious, not the least reason of which is my kids were there! My little man yelled out a couple of times but overall was quite a sedate heckler, so I went easy on him. Plus he’s just so damn cute.
– Opening night of “An Unexpected Variety Show!” Having offered free tix was always a risky idea, I knew that… but I was delighted to have a packed room of lovely folks who laughed in the right places and said nice things and stuff. The major hiccup of the night was that poor Matthew Carey couldn’t see the sheet music because of the lights! And even Matthew, genius as he is, lacks the ‘see in the dark’ superpower, so we had a few rather “different” sounding chord combos last night! I guess in some ways that’s kinda the beauty of the show; if anything goes wrong it fits in perfectly with the theme. I’m going with that, anyway.
– More late night gigging with wonderful Titters – seriously these shows are SMASHING IT UP. The venue is plush, the line-up is just amazing – and I would say that even if I wasn’t in it, which is saying a lot! – really, really REALLY recommend this show!

The tour-de-force that is Bev Killick onstage at Titters. (It's her behind the halo glow, I promise!)
I improvised a song for a couple in the front who’d been married for 45 years! When I asked them what they did, the lady said “You don’t want to know.”
I said, “Yes I do!”
She sighed and said, “I’m the mayor of Salisbury.”
I would put this in context for non-Adelaide readers, however I don’t wish to in any way put my darling Mayor lady in any negative light (she was beautiful) so you’ll just have to use either a) your imagination or b) google. Either way, trust me. It’s funny.
– Then off more late night cabaret action with the luscious lot over at Shimmering Square.

Shimmering West. So cute!

Adelaide cabaret bombshell Catherine Campbell and moi!
This time I made up a song about a couple, who, as it turns out, were both glass blowers. It was a hip-hop track that went so quickly I honestly don’t remember a whole lot about it apart from some glass-themed innuendo and something about creating an array of fragile glass babies together.
Then I collapsed.

Onstage with the wondrous gang for the Late Nite Lounge finale!
P.S. Best back-handed compliments of the night on my show:
Dude 1: (talking about seeing my show) “I didn’t walk out.” *** Dude 2: “More improv songs, more improv songs!” Me: “That would make for a very long show.” Dude 2: “Nah, just cut out the other songs.”
Oh, you mean the ones I’ve laboured over for months? Yes those.
Fringe Caravan in the Mall 12.45
2012 Theatresports Clash of the Theatre Titans 2pm
An Unexpected Variety Show: FREE TIX TONIGHT AT THE DOOR! 7pm, The Light Hotel
Cabaret Live 8.30, La Boheme
Radio Adelaide interview 11.30pm
Girls’ Night 6pm, Gluttony
Early to bed. Yes.