About to jump on a plane to Adelaide this morning. Woohoo! Am performing in the show above tonight and every night for the remainder of the festival. Hope to see you Adelaide folks there. Come say hi!
As I madly pack my pieces together, thought I’d leave you with this; somebody sent it through to me to “remind us of our true nature this International Women’s Day.” Enjoy.
From Women Who Run With the Wolves Clarissa Pinkola Estes.
It is interesting to note that among wolves, no matter how sick, no matter how cornered, no matter how alone, afraid or weakened, the wolf will continue. She will lope even with a broken leg. She will go near others seeking the protection of the pack. She will strenuously outwait, outwit, outrun and outlast whatever is bedevilling her. She will put her all into taking breath after breath. She will drag herself, if necessary from place to place, till she finds a good place, a healing place, a place for thriving.
The hallmark of the wild nature is that it goes on. It perseveres. This is not something we do. It is something we are, naturally and innately. When we cannot thrive, we go on till we can thrive again…… So if women must, they will paint blue sky on jail walls. If the skeins are burnt, they will spin more. If the harvest is destroyed they will sow immediately. Women will draw doors where there are none and open them and pass through into new ways and new lives.