After a beyond crapola 2010, complete with car accidents, toddlers breaking legs and husbands being hospitalised, I was ready for a pretty damn spectacular 2011.
I’m chuffed to see now, that a) it didn’t disappoint; and b) my blog is so incredibly useful in terms of remembering what the heck happened! So here tis.
– kicked the year off in typical uber-optimist fashion by making a nice juicy and just mildly ambitious set of goals.
– made our preps for the flood situation in Queensland, thanks to my hubby’s special brand of genius.
– flew to Sydney with littlest to shoot some videos for Nestle’s “Mums Secrets” site.
– got my new improv comedy baby, Gumball Theatre, ready to launch.
– did a sugar detox via a very dodgy deal with my sister-in-law.
– Little Miss 8 got the all-clear from her CT scan. Thank heavens!
– was offered a last minute chance to go to Adelaide Fringe to do the last week of guest spots in Titters.
– while I was at there, I saw fit to crowd surf to Farnsy. As you do.
– launched Small Hands Big Hearts with my sister-in-law, plus added more projects to my dream list.
– had a much needed family break out on my BFF from high school’s farm, way out west. Toasted marshmallows, hung in hammocks, rode motorbikes…agh.
– cried my eyes out, having been so deeply touched (much more than I ever could have thought) at Eddie Izzard’s doco “Believe.”
– was apparently a month of musing. I particularly like this on “Delusion, Entitlement, Belief and Taking the Time to Get Good” and this on “Conan O’Brien’s Burning Building Approach to Getting Stuff Done”.
– debuted my one-woman show (the work-in-progress version) at the Adelaide Cabaret Fringe Festival.
– was all about LA with massive thanks to The Ian Potter Cultural Trust.
– on top of the amazing sundae that was my designated training with my heroes and mentors Gary Austin and Michael Pollock, the cream was meeting Sarah Silverman, seeing Eddie Izzard live, seeing fifteen thousand improv shows…
– Miss newly-9 was given a YoungStar award for her awesomeness with Small Hands, Big Hearts.
– was featured in Cosmo Pregnancy.
– created a new comedy showreel.
– had my first TV spot on Briz31.
– put said show on at Brisbane Powerhouse to an amazing home crowd.
– made a trailer for it.
– continued the touring with a toddler antics, with great things (like publishing my first guest post on Mama Mia) and awful things (like headcoldy tantrumming 2-year olds) and small audiences!
– then just when I’d almost given up hope, I had the ridiculously cool and very unexpected (as in, so unexpected that I was a hair away from not even showing up to the awards) honour of being given the Award for Excellence in Cabaret!
– topped off October with a homemade family comedy Halloween.
– finally, FINALLY signed with a terrific agent! WOOHOO!
– as such, got some new headshots done by the excellent Marty Pouwelse.
– started fleshing out my goals list for 2012…