I think today has been one of the most magical of my entire life. And considering that my 21st was an ‘Enchanted Forest’ theme, complete with goblins, gnomes and a washing line converted into a giant mushroom, I think that’s really saying something.
Banff is just gorgeous beyond all words, at times walking around it today I felt like my heart was in serious danger of bursting.
Timmy, the kids and I – after our middle-of-the-night shenanigans – slept in until midday, then went off to enjoy our very first meal (at spectacularly cheap artists’ rates) at the Banff Centre’s main dining hall. WOW. Normally the word ‘buffet’ takes me back to the days of queueing up for years at Toowoomba’s Sizzler, only to have mum force-feed my sister and I twelve plates at a time so as to get our full moneys’ worth. But with some of the most magnificent food I’ve ever eaten in my life, The Banff Centre has fully restored respect to the word.
And ahhhh, the Banff Centre. I’ve barely been here 24 hours and already I never want to leave. It’s an unofficial university of sorts for all creative types, who come from all over the world to take part in workshops, masterclasses, residencies, conferences, performances and everything in between, surrounded by utter unadulterated beauty from every angle – in other words: heaven on a mountain.
We spent much of the afternoon strolling the main street, took the kids to the Museum where Caleb spent much of the time cuddling the puppet grizzly bear to death – heaven help us if we ever actually come across a real one – then swam our hearts out in Heaven’s fitness centre.
In short, bring on the champagne, baby!
For I am in love.