Nothing less than rain, hail AND shine greeted us upon our drive into our first stop en route to Sydney – Byron Bay had a freaky sun-shower/hail-storm, which we stupidly decided to keep on driving through (stupidly in retrospect; at the time we were just hell-bent on getting to our destination). We actually witnessed the Kombi van in front of us slide off the road and veer into the car in front – a pretty turbulent trip in all.
On the upside, the noise of the thunder and hail drowned out all child-whingeing. Hey, every hail-cloud has a silver lining.
But…in short, we’re here in Byron Bay (Broken Head, to be precise) and loving it. Already we’re flirting with the idea of doing a full-on Aussie tour soon, so much are we loving the van and the thought of comedy-funded life on the road. The kids are completely digging it too. They love sleeping in the van (a little too much, actually, with Caleb expressing his elation by kicking me in the head most of last night) and are both pretty cool and adaptable little travelers. We spent most of yesterday afternoon and this morning frolicking on the beach – including Tim and I doing a spot of surfing for the first time in six + years. Righteous, dude.
In other news:
– I’ve just found out more details on Bangalow Comedy Festival (where I’m performing in February) and the latest is that on Saturday 10th Feb I’ll be supporting none other than the fabulous Fiona O’Loughlin! I’m so thrilled – I first saw Fiona on the televised comedy gala back in 2002 and loved her stuff, then interviewed her for a book a year or so later, and now here we’ll be. Just wicked. – I’ve been booked to do some stand-up up at a Women’s Dinner for Domestic Violence awareness in Nimbin; the timing has worked out brilliantly, such that we can do it on the way back up to Brisbane. Magic.
– my hair has flipped out all nutty-like on me – so if you do have allergies, please back away slowly – doing its usual “we’re at the beach Jen so it’s time to get all wacky and curly” tantrum on me. I don’t mind too much, as I’ve been in the mood for a change and it’s cheaper than a stylist.
– the van is going well and the novelty is yet to wear off. MASSIVE kudos to my uncle Dave and auntie Deb for donating their entire Saturday to help me get it in order and ready for action!
– we’re having an awesome and relaxing time catching up with Tim’s sister Cat and her lovelier than lovely boyfriend Dave; hopefully we’ll be going for another surf with them this afternoon. I do so love pretending to be a beach bum. Well, you know, pretending to be the ‘beach’ part.
– I LOVE LIFE ON THE ROAD!!!!!!!!! I don’t ever want to stop – then again, I guess it is only day two.
Stay tuned!