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  • Writer's pictureJenny Wynter

TEDx, Comedy Cherries and More

Hello you wonderful joy-nugget in human form! I'm just popping in to let you know that I've finally won the respect of my children! Turns out all it takes is being on a billboard!

If I'd known that I could have won them over years ago just by dishing out a few hundred buckaroonies. Ah well. Too little too late. But maybe not too late for you...? But speaking of TedX... This weekend I'm going to be performing at TedX Brisbane, doing a fully improvised talk with the topic inspired by the audience and the speech inspired by slides I've never before set eyes on. What could possibly go wrong?!

TedX Brisbane Tickets here! THIS Saturday 3rd December

12 hrs, 4 sessions, 15 speakers, 4 performers, catering, all day tasting stations, activation spaces and an after party. And honestly, I was excited enough to be part of it, but when I went to rehearsals and heard the speakers, I'm not kidding, my jaw hit the ground so many times I may now have tetanus.

Puh-lease if you can make it come! It's going to be life-changing. In other news, I recently jaunted off to rural NSW to perform Funny Mummies with the soon-to-be-a-star Bron Lewis at the very first ever Cowra Comedy Festival! It was a total hoot and as a surprise bonus, we met some gorgeous teenagers who told us it was their very first experience of seeing comedy live! WOOHOO! Popping laughter cherries everywhere we go. Ehem. Did I really just write that? Moving on.

And finally, are you going to Woodford Folk Festival? BECAUSE WE ARE!

I cannot bloody wait. The only thing that's worrying me is that our highly un-heat-friendly costumes may spontaneously combust, meaning we may end up truly being part of the Fire Ceremony. Ah well. Imagine the publicity. Big big hugs and hoping you're finding the laughs wherever you can!



  • I finally finished Better Call Saul! And while it was slow-going, my gawsh it was worth it. Also I'm now calling nacho night at our place "Ignatio night." #youhadtobethere #nichejokes

Listening to:

Terrific Quick Reads:


Laughing at: This, posted on Funny Mummies:


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