My little rockstar with his bestie, cousin Noah.
Please forgive the slack blogging of late. Friday just gone, both myself and the little Cass-meister were in ANOTHER FREAKING CAR CRASH. Ugh. I cannot believe it. I do confess I believe I that mere moments after impact I yelled out the exact words “Are you f****ing kidding me?!”
Seriously. Really? Grrr.
The good news is it was not nearly as traumatising as the head-on collision of 2010; this one was a pretty seriously violent rear-ender, us having the back of our car taken out by a poor young p-plater. I really felt bad for her; she made a stupid mistake, seemed genuinely gutted about it, especially when she saw me pull littlest out of the car, I stood there in disbelief while she started crying and I involuntarily gave her a hug, trying to comfort her and Cass together. Mother Hen is apparently my default “in shock” setting.
Anyhoo, it tops off quite a crazy year thus far. I am sore and bracing myself for more physio shortly. Aye carumba.
I will return to my regular blogging schedule shortly.
In the meantime, please entertain yourself with these stunning displays of my Draw Something genius.
You’re welcome.