Spotted at the ridiculously groovy BOHO in Adelaide!
In short:
– I am blogging about all things Cabaret Summer School over here this week if you care to play along!
– I am missing the kids terribly. Luckily I am nearly halfway through the trip already, meaning I am nearly officially “on my way back towards them.” I could write at length about coping with missing them when we are apart, but suffice to say that I do my utmost to have a bloody brilliant time when I’m away so that the separation is worth it. If I’m Little Miss Misery Guts, then it really is a waste. I am throwing everything I’ve got into learning, writing, creating and…blogging!
– tonight I went out for a wonderful working dinner with the force of awesome that is Sheridan Stewart. Sheridan hosts Titters: An Award Winning LineUp of Funny Women (in which I shall be performing, as well as ‘An Unexpected Variety Show’ at Adelaide Fringe this year) and is just a rocking ball of energy and inspiration. I feel so fired up an excited about the upcoming festival season and following our chats tonight, am pumped full of ideas (some of which are pretty out there and nutty, just the way I like em!) of how to spread the word about my little old show. Looking forward to sharing with you as the action unfolds!
Take care darling peeps, wishing you much razzle, dazzle and all that jazz.* *Cabaret reference probably intended.