When I was first asked in 2021 to perform at the PeakCare Awards - celebrating the efforts of those working in the field of child and family protection, I was chuffed but also daunted. What if I said something unintentionally offensive? How do you bring comedy to the table around people who spend so much of their lives working in such heavy circumstances? Would this all be a terrible disaster?

But on the contrary, they were the most delightful audience indeed: open and warm and totally up for all the silly comedic nonsense I could muster.
I learn this lesson over and over again: people who work in challenging areas and/or have huge stressors in their lives NEED to laugh more than anybody. Some of the funniest people I've ever met have gone through huge traumas, mental health challenges, bleak circumstances... we laugh not because we haven't gone through any bad times, we laugh precisely because it's what has helped get us through.
Laughter is more than just a nice thing if you can get it, it's a mood shifter, an atmosphere booster and stress relief.
Thank you so much PeakCare for all the incredible work you do. And for having me back again this year. I hope to do it all with you again soon!