Poster spotted in Adelaide. It's a-happening!
First things first, as of yesterday morning, tickets are all OFFICIALLY ON SALE for all my upcoming Aussie gigs! Woohoo!
Adelaide Fringe tix here! Brisbane Powerhouse tix here! Melbourne International Comedy Festival tix here!
I’m thinking of doing a bit of a competition in each city, offering free double passes to see the show to peeps photographing themselves (or their hands, or their gnome/teddy/figurine of choice) spotted with my posters. Whaddya reckon? A little self-indulgent, yes? Yes? YES. That’s why I kinda love it. I’ve always dreamed of becoming the hunted in a real-life “Where’s Wally?”
So, in between panic attacks, this week has been crammed with littlest’s birthday celebrations…

…a friend’s hens night…

…a much overdue hair overhaul…

Can you see the blue bits? It's a little wilder when it's all out...I thought it might go well with my tutu!
…Valentine’s Day tradition-eschewing in favour of a family picnic at the park…

One of my fave ever kidly pics.
…and the requisite to-do item of “ignoring housework.”
Seriously, I completely freaked out the other night about the state of our house, when my hubby kindly pointed out that if I intend to set the bar so ridiculously high for things-that-must-be-squeezed-into-the-one-lifetime then that’s all well and good, but that perhaps I need to accept that having a house that’s always up to scratch on the tidy front is going to be a casualty. At least until we can afford to bribe my kids adequately hire professional help. Ahhhhh. My innards sigh just thinking about it.
Ah well. At least in my imagination my house is beautiful and blog-worthy all the time. And imagination is more important than knowledge. Einstein said so.