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  • Writer's pictureJenny Wynter

My favourite joke

P.S. I know the screen-cap for this is a SHOCKER! Heehee, but am keeping it up there as a challenge to my vanity. I’m not wearing make-up either. Oh, and on that note, there’s a great blog post about that very topic over at my uberly fabulous friend Rachel Hills’ blog.

P.P.S. I’m running a bit of a silly, hmmmm, shall we say “experiment” over at my facebook comedy page whereby you can submit a suggestion for the title of a song. I will choose one that particularly inspires me above all – the song title to rule all song titles – and write it!

P.P.P.S. Next week: the world. This weekend: Toowoomba! Nice little article about it (and me: teehee) here.

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