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  • Writer's pictureJenny Wynter

Links of the Week (or “WHAT? You mean there’s more to cyberspace than ME?!”)

1. I just love this short but sweet interview with Dimitri Kolioussis over at the quite wonderful do what you love blog. This bit especially jumps up and bites me like a friendly beagle:

“For some people art is a gift from nature, and artists who receive such a gift have a responsibility to share it, not keep it to themselves.”

2. My dear friend from Canada Kate is doing some amazing things, as usual, over at her blog. I’m so gutted because we only really fully connected in my last few months in Canada, and even then I hadn’t even begun to discover my artsy fartsy side (as in visual art – everybody who knows me knows I’m an artsy fart from way back in every other sense). Anyway, just bummed as I now have visions of us drinking endless cups of tea, glueing stuff and ignoring our kids together. Boohoo! But go check her out.

3. Happy 1st Birthday to The Correctness! Robbie and Dave are two of my favourite funny people on the planet, having played with both of them lots and lots at Loose Moose. Sigh. I miss it so badly. It completes me. It will always be my Loose Moose. It had me at hello. Anyhoo, their blog rocks the casbah, go give ’em some b’day love!

4. Photojojo. If you’re into photography, then I give you three initials: OMG. (I mean, your friends’ faces on cupcakes? Really?!)

5. I’ve just started this e-workshop! Yes another one – I’m really excited because I’m finally taking action on one of those goals I scrawled in a journal just post-car accident, i.e. the one that said “take an art class”. Sure, it’s online where I can be safe, cosy and surrounded by all the booze chamomile tea I can handle, but you know? I’m doing it. And that is the main thing, is it not?

*Image courtesy of Ian Sane

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