Given the last week of home-bounded-ness, I’m sorry to say that the kids have been watching WAAAAAY to many DVDs. I’m serious: it’s bad. Caleb’s conversation is now predominantly sound-bytes from his favourites.
Me: “Caleb, you can’t have another milk cos it makes you too snotty.”
Caleb: “No it doesn’t. *dramatic pause* Trust me.” (Spiderman)
*** Me (uncharacteristically calmly): “Ella, stop yelling, stop screaming and go to bed.”
Caleb (patting my head): “I proud of you.” (Racing Stripes)
*** Me: “Cay-man, time to go to the toilet!”
Caleb: “Not this time, Goblin!” (Spiderman…again).
*** Please remind me to never ever show him Silence of the Lambs.