Had such a beautifully rocking gig tonight. It was kinda surreal to be reunited with Dames and Adam who I started doing improv with way back in late 2004 at the good old Melbourne Hotel in West End. Indeed, tonight gave me serious flashbacks of when it all began, way back when I was just so completely chuffed to even have a chance to be onstage, when having a free meal and a couple of drinks vouchers counted as ‘well paid’ and when just the opportunity to get out of the house once a week was worth the effort. Back when performing wasn’t a career thing, it was just fun. And tonight certainly was fun. Yay! I tried out a new character onstage, tried using a keyboard onstage for the first time and I’m happy to report that both undertakings seemed to go well.
So hip hip hooray for happy gigs and subsequent happy blog entries!