Write and shoot a pilot (and more!) of this sit-com I’m currently working on. Last night my best friend Frankie and I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning (her 30th birthday, no less!) sketching out a backbone for the entire show run. So freaking pumped!
Get Gumball Theatre running in a most professional and awesome manner. Note: I have actually formalised what this entails in my business plan musings, but for the purposes of readability here, will leave it at that!
Develop my solo show to a point where it is well and truly peformance ready – to pitch to festivals and the like for world domination in the latter half of 2011-2012.
Go to LA to become a ton better at solo and musical improv respectively. Happening. Agh.
Go to Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Invite more people over to my house for socialising.
Taking up a new sport. Maybe it’s time to get back into tennis.
Regular date time with the hubbster.
Regular date time with the kidlets.
Eat fresh food.
Exercise daily.