I’m finally pumped.
1. Last night, FINALLY met up with some comedic types here in Canmore, one of whom trained with Second City Toronto back in the day. I am so, like, totally excited about this.
2. Today, FINALLY, we bought a car. Meaning I can now go back and forth to Calgary at will, meaning I can now:
a) train with Loose Moose Theatre, the delay of which – due to nothing other than transport issues – has been driving me to the point of madness;
b) pursue gigs in Calgary, Banff and wherever else; and
c) our family can now go on some day trips and longer road trips to broaden our Canadian experience!
3. For the first time, I FINALLY watched a full stand-up show of Bill Cosby’s. DAMN. The man is my hero. That is all. (And, I just found out, he’ll be doing a show right near Toronto in June next year…I am dying to book tix right this second but should just wait until our plans for 2008 become a little clearer).
4. This very night I FINALLY got my hands on a copy of Jerry Seinfeld’s documentary Comedian which Greg Sullivan urged me to watch many moons ago. Man alive, I am so completely in love with comedy again, despite its nuttiness, narcissism and never-ending agony.
Two quotes in particular, stood out to me (both of which I am paraphrasing):
Jerry: “I used to write just one or two nights a week. Then one day I noticed these construction workers heading back to work after their lunch break and I suddenly thought ‘Well, THEY don’t feel like going back to work, but they are. So if they can show that level of dedication and commitment to their work, then why shouldn’t I?'”
And finally, from the man, Bill Cosby himself: “That’s the greatest thing a performer can say at the end of their life. ‘I took what I had…and I knocked it outta the park.”
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