Above: “Home Love 2011” by the gorgeousfeedyoursoulart (click on the image to go to the etsy store!)
So, three days post-move and we’re getting there!
At least two rooms in our house now look livable. What can I say? It’s amazing what the “I’ll just shove all the other stuff into the other rooms” approach to homemaking can do. Ever thought of THAT one Martha Stewart? Huh? HUH?!
I think I might be able to fill a niche: “The Dodgy Homemakers Guide to Fudging It.” Whaddya think?
Also, I’ve been sneaking moments between unpacking boxes to rehearse my show. While I’m so excited about performing the show itself (it’s come SO far since I first did a work-in-progress showing in Canada in 2009!) I have to admit, on the sales front, I’ve been starting to freak out a little bit. Just a little bit, you know, enough to increase my chocolate intake by 15%, or as I like to call it, my “chocolate tip.”
Namely cos in Adelaide, nobody knows who the heck I am. And selling a show with no profile is like…well…selling a show with no profile.
So my darling Comic Mummy readers, please forgive my desperation. (My husband does. Daily.) But if you do know any folks in Radelaide who you think might be into my niche brand of nut, I would be so ridiculously stoked (that’s right, so stoked it is RIDICULOUS), if you would be so kind as to let them know about my show:
– tweet it (here’s the tinyurl: http://tinyurl.com/3m2tubd);
– facebook it (here’s my facebook page);
– email it (here’s a link to details on the show);
– share the video; (here’s a link!);
– phone it;
– write it on a napkin; and/or
– shove it in a bottle and throw it out to sea.
I’ll probably be doing all of the above.
Oh, here’s the eflyer too! What can I say? I am a full-service self-promo slorry! It’s a gift.

I’m actually thinking of doing some mystery ticket drops in Adelaide itself once I get down there, you know, putting together some fun packages with free tix inside and dropping them in random places around the CBD. What do you think? Does such silliness ever pay dividends? Or is it just intrinsically pleasing?
Yours in slowly easing panic, Jen. xx