Yay! BrizImprovFest’s interview on ABC radio the other day (with none other than Richard Fidler – I felt struck dumb upon meeting him, seeing as he and The Doug Anthony Allstars were probably amongst the first musical comedy acts I ever watched for hours at a time), is up in printed form on the web! Click here to check it out.
Thanks Girl Clumsy for the tip-off! Meanwhile, the fest is nourishing my creative soul big-time. Wow. Met a wicked chick from Wellington Improv Troupe who went to Loose Moose a couple of years ago – the improv theatre school I’ll be at in a month’s time – who absolutely RAVED about it. I’ve honestly been so consumed with logistics lately I seem to have overlooked the fact that what’s coming up is actually unbelievable. Agh! Good agh!
Tonight performed in Gorilla – at the risk of sounding repetitive, funnedy fun fun from players from a range of troupes – then was increasingly blown away throughout the night. As, it seems, were many people in the audiences, which – might I add – have been spectacularly cheery!
WIT’s To Be Continued – a wicked show format, lots of having fun with each other and the audience, just a joy to watch. And DANG those Kiwis are funny people! Who knew? 😉
Rebecca de Unamuno is Open to Suggestion – I have been looking forward to seeing this show, ever since I first read a review of it years ago when Bec was awarded the Loose Moose Award at Melbourne International Comedy Festival and then more recently upon hearing second-hand accounts of her amazingness. She performs a one-woman fully improvised show, with three different characters all made up based on audience suggestion. Boy, oh boy. She honestly blew even my highest expectations out of the water. The most common utterance I heard after the show was over was one word: “Wow.”
The Crew’s Instant Musical Odyssey – I laughed so bloody hard during this show. I want to write more wonderful things about it, only I’m raving so much about everyone that you’re probably just going to roll your eyes and be all ‘Alright Jen, you love the improv stuff, we get it.” So I’ll leave it there.
*calling over shoulder*
“But they were AMAAAAAAAZING!”