Frankie does!
Flash back with me, won’t you, to this very morning…
Bring, bring! Bring, bring!
(That’s my best phone impersation – stop paying me out about it, accept it for what it is and let’s move on. I’m doing my best here, okay?)
Me: “Hello?”
Her: “HELLO!”
Me: “Frankie!”
(Insert typical mindless drivel between us here)
Her: “So what are you doing this morning?”
Me: “Oh I’ve got a billion things I’ve gotta get on top of…”
Her: “Oh. Cos I was going to take you shopping and buy you some new outfits for New York!”
Cue the sound of a phone being slammed down, feet storming down the stairs and a car speeding away to the nearest shop. A LITTLE WHILE LATER…
Frankie, I and my sister-in-law Lizzie rock up at Stones Corner to hit the discount shops with enthusiasm that makes the Crocodile Hunter look like a limp cucumber.
Before I go forth and conquer, Frankie hands me my shopping budget enveloped in this:

I now feel funky, loved and hot.
No wonder Frankie’s my best friend.
Cue cheesy “best buddies walking off into the sunset” sound-track of choice.