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  • Writer's pictureJenny Wynter

Start Spreading the News…

I wanna be a part of it…New York, NEW YAAAAWWWWWWWWWKKKKK!!!

That’s right. Less than four hours here and I’m officially in love. From the cute little houses on the outskirts (giving me flashbacks of Spiderman) to the dingey old subways (giving me flashbacks of Ghost) to the glitz and glamour of neon-lit 42nd Street (giving me flashbacks of childhood dreams) this is a place that just makes you feel like you’re living in a film.

Of course, people had told me that. But seeing it in person is just completely surreal – in fact, I keep wondering if I’m going to wake up in a sweat only to find it’s actually eight weeks ago and there is no grant, no letter from Brisbane City Council saying that they’ve agreed to support this opportunity of such grand scope it’s impossible to even fathom.

Oh boy…I’ve got so much to write here, but little time on this expensive net computer and I’m a little paranoid that if I write all I want to, I’m going to bore the crap out of y’all (hehe: see how I’m integrating myself already) So the main points thus far:

– Had a rather stressful time at LA airport as my plane was late arriving, leaving me a mere 20 minutes to go through US immigration, collect my luggage, go through US customs, check in my luggage, go through US security and board my plane. AAGH! To cut a long story short, got very flustered, made it to the departure lounge only to find it empty, my heart sank, then lifted again when I discovered the airplane I thought had left was late getting in too so I hadn’t missed it after all, then my strses was all smoothed over by the very courteous flight attendant who checked my boarding pass and cheerily smiled: “Why, good morning Miss Jen Wynter!”

– Thus following on from the previous point, am realising how much I actually like Americans in their own country.

– Enjoyed the subway ride next to a drop-dead gorgeous African American woman and her cuter than cute 3-year-old daughter (yes, it tugged my heartstrings) who kindly helped me with pointers on which stop to get out at. Next thing you know a guy steps into our carriage and starts beating on his bongo-drum in time with the subway rhythms. For the way I was feeling, it could have been my heart-beat, boom boom chitty booming away. What a joyful encounter! Then the money hat came out, slightly de-fluffing the vision of loveliness but it was still mega cool.

– Sympathising with Russell Crowe when I realised my hotel phone wouldn’t work so couldn’t call my family back in Oz. Got a little homesick (this after spending the previous two hours thinking how NY rocked so much I wasn’t even missing home at all) and trudged on a mission: to phone home and to discover Broadway!

– Spent the past hour and a half walking the streets up and down Broadway and Times Square, soaking in the sights and trying to be cool. Took some photos too, so will upload them as soon as I have a chance!

Phwe. Okay, credit’s running out.

Tomorrow, catching a train to Boston and the following day will be starting one-on-one coaching with impro coach Daena Giardella. Stay tuned!

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