I’m quite surprised by how upset I was by this news.
I’m not the most massive Heath Ledger fan in the world (not that I’m the least either, just that I’d hardly consider myself ‘dedicated’ to his work) yet I’ve actually felt rather shite-like since hearing of his very premature demise today.
Maybe it’s just cos death has been a major theme of the past week. Maybe it’s just cos I find myself thinking of his own little pint-sized tike. Or maybe it’s just cos I’m an Aussie in a foreign land.
Either way, I’m shocked both by the news itself and my reaction to it.
Cos it is of course…all about me.
Isn’t it?
I think the moral of this story – and I’m sure there are many which will come to light in the coming days – is that it’s not all about anybody.
(And that fame is fickle. Blah blah blah. Cos we didn’t know that already).
Anyhoo, rest in peace buddy. Geez Louise, what a week.