1. Truly faboosh blog. I’ve already spent hours there.
Print from Sweet William
2. The gorgeous store Sweet William (where the adores-balls print above is from) on the Aussie version of Etsy, madeit.com I am in love with their stuff and already buying up big on hubby’s behalf dropping massive hints for Christmas.
3. Interested in starting a creative biz?
4. Oh yeah, have I not told you I’ve started an improv theatre company? I’m so damn excited it’s kinda ridiculous – we’ve got some very cool news indeed which I will be spilling very shortly. Can I get a woot? Woot. Thanks.
5. And speaking of my new resolve to get up earlier (hehe…I think I should replace “resolve” with “exercise-in-kidding-myself”), here’s some cool thoughts on making it happen. Thoughts. Dig em.