It feels like just yesterday I was popping her out and unleashing her on the world, and yet today, here I am, five and a bit years later…popping her out and unleashing her on the world all over again. Well, the world in its microcosmic form – in other words, grade one.
She woke up at the crack of dawn, crawled into bed with me and started asking “When can I go to school?” “The sun is already starting to come out!” and my favourite, “You know mummy, I don’t really need breakfast today, I can get ready quickier if I don’t eat.”
She insisted she go on the school bus alone, even though I desperately wanted to do it with her, hold her hand, lead her into her classroom and cuddle her if she felt insecure. But no. Apparently the only insecure on in this whole fiasco is me.
So for now, with the home-days of Ella officially over, I’m trying to make the most of my first day of my new life with just me and the Cay-man.
Now excuse me while I go locate the nearest bottle of Canadian vodka.