My apologies for the delay between blogs – the upside of this is that I’ve been quite busy in the real world. Well, not really an upside so much as an irrefutable fact.
So here you go, a concise update of breaking news:
– I’m feeling rather overwhelmed with the amount of stuff to tie up and work out before heading off on tour. It’s only TWO WEEKS (approximately: who can be bothered with details?) away. Part of me is completely excited at hitting a new comedy scene and hanging with the fam, the other part is terrified at the prospect of coming back in need of shock therapy.
By the way, if you are keen on checking out more on the tour, please check out There’s fresh news and gigs – Wyntertainment is becoming a way of life.
– am hugely hugely enjoying jamming comedy stuff with my mates, Marc & Ash, in a top secret and extremely classified comedy operation known ‘officially’ as JAM. Stay tuned…
– I have FINALLY finished the editing of the improv feature film demo DVD Cinema a la Hitchhiker – WOHOO!!! I mean, I actually finished it quite a few months back, but then technology being technology – and Jenny being Jenny – I had a couple of things to fix up, plus have actually laid down the musical sound-track. So…fingers crossed this project should be tied up and ready to make its way out into the world to seduce investors with shameless…uh….seduction.
– am currently making big decisions for 2007, including whether to do the Melbourne Comedy Festival thing (which up to this point I’ve been gung-ho on) or just save the money and put it towards going to Edinburgh Fringe in August. That way I could also get a round-the-world ticket (if you’re spending the $$ you might as well add on a couple more hundred and do the whole shebang) and put my show on in New York & LA on the way back. I need an advisor so badly it hurts!!
– my first CD should be ready within the next couple of weeks – not sure if I’ll be sorted to sell them online by then, but they’ll definitely be in the Festival Shop at Woodford and online as soon as I can sort it all out. Ah. Sometimes I feel like every day is just another ‘to-do’ list.
…and this news just in:
– I’ve started to glow.

From front left: Ash, Brad, the CM and Mezza, aka the improv troupe formerly known as “A Streetcar Named Whatever”