That’s me sighing, in case you can’t tell. Not a bad sigh, a very very good sigh, ‘relief’s defacto’, if you will. For today we are out at Tim’s folks’ place, way out in the country. And what a magical place it is. A place where kids – chickenpocked or not – can roam free, play with toys they haven’t seen, watch videos they haven’t watched and be spoiled rotten while I sip cups of tea and blog. Excuse me a minute, I just have to….
Okay, moving on.
All this peaceful un-stir-crazy time has made me realise that there’s a few exciting tid-bits of news I have forgotten to blog about. Forgive me, I know not what I do. So, read on, and consider me redeemed.
1. We’ve booked our tickets to Canada. I leave July 24 and Tim and the kids leave August 12 (Ella’s birthday – which will thus run for two days straight). AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!
2. I’m hoping to make it to the NYC Underground Comedy Festival in September, ideally to do my show.
3. This show is the same full-length show I’ll be performing @ the upcoming BrizImprovFest, Brissie’s first ever festival of improvised theatre. I’m coorganising it and we’ve already got confirmed shows and performers from Sydney, Melbourne and New Zealand. I am soooo completely nauseous with excitement that I have to stop every hour and reassure myself that I’m not pregnant.
Update: The launch of BrizImprovFest – which will feature a preview of my full-length show plus other wicked improv delights – is going to be held early evening on Sunday 27th May at Uber, Boundary Street, West End. Pencil it in now if you can come – it’s going to be AMAZING! There’s probably more, but I must away: there’s another cup of coffee on the stove with my name on it and I’ve got a sigh quota to fill.