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  • Writer's pictureJenny Wynter

A glimpse at our flood plan B

Thanks so much for the messages enquiring after our welfare this week. It seems that where we live is now well and truly past the worst of it (touch wood) and naturally, we feel extremely lucky compared to so many others. To catch you up on the week just gone for us:

By far the worst day here was Tuesday.

In a very surreal turn of events that morning, Tim and I both opted to take a nap while littlest did the same – only to wake up to 14 messages on my phone asking if we were okay as they were evacuating our town!

My sister was in a complete panic at not having been able to make contact with us and to cut a long story short, by the time we were ready to up and evacuate, it was too late: we were cut off from the end of our street: in effect, our only way out of here.

And so it was that we came up with plan B: to seal off the doorways as best we could (i.e. towels and mats piled up on each other like rugby players in a whatever-they’re-called) and pack some supplies to take up on the roof if the absolute worst came to the worst.

“We should put a table outside the window,” I said to Tim. So we’ve got something to help us get up on the roof.”

“Agreed,” he said.

So we moved the table out in the rain, next to the water tank.

“It’s gonna float away, though,” said Tim.

“Alright, then let’s weigh it down with something!” I said, loading a few pot-plants on top. Genius, right?

“Uh, honey, that’s not gonna cut it.” Then, “Maybe I could pop a couple of bricks on top.”

“Great idea!” I said. “Okay, you do that and I’ll keep checking facebook packing stuff!”

An hour or so later, I went outside to see what on earth my man had been doing with those “couple of bricks.”

It was then that I first laid eyes on this.


That’s what I said too.

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