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Jenny Wynter Blog

May 7, 20233 min read
End of the Interregnum
Ordinarily I couldn’t give less of a hoot about the royals. But as I happen to be here in the UK on this day of historical significance,...

Oct 19, 20111 min read
Links of the Week (or “You mean there’s more to cyberspace than ME?!”)
Dustin Hoffman and Lawrence Olivier. I believe the correct term is "Fyeah." (Image courtesy of I’ve been making...
Jul 23, 20112 min read
LA-LA land: Eddie Izzard, Sarah Silverman & more!
Training has been AMAZING. Agh! I’m learning so much it’s hard to keep up, I will post a nice juicy “things I’m learning” post tomorrow....

Apr 17, 20112 min read
Justin Bieber and the Horrendous Mis-use of an Otherwise Inspiring Slogan
The promotional tag-line for Justin Bieber’s new film probably shouldn’t disturb me as much as it does, but you know, neither should...

Oct 13, 20101 min read
3 must-have items for a celebrity’s 8-month old.
Image: Leelee Sobieski and tot. Courtesy of MamaPop 1. A chess game. Not just a chess set, mind, but a chess game. It must be in motion....

Oct 10, 20101 min read
Those crazy celebrities. Is there nothing they won’t do?
I know celebrities like to breastfeed to lose the baby weight, but come on. You’re grown women. That’s gross. #humour #breastfeeding...

Sep 30, 20101 min read
Wanted: You! (Or: “There’s a red carpet with my name on it. But only if you carve it on
You know, after some initial wondering, now I think I’d actually freaking love it. Especially if they just let me go crazy and put my own...

Aug 11, 20102 min read
Success Envy
*Image courtesy of A recent conversation in the comments thread got me thinking about an old post I wrote on the topic of...

Aug 6, 20101 min read
A Film That Rocked Your World
A little late admittedly, but just stumbled upon this little gem: being an interview (by the wonderful Margaret Pomeranz, no less) with...

Jul 15, 20101 min read
Links of the Week (or WHAT? You mean there’s more to cyberspace than ME?!)
1. My guest-post is up over at the delightfully awesome, brilliant and going-places Rachel Hills‘ blog, Musings of an Inappropriate...
Jul 13, 20106 min read
Meeting Bill Bailey: My Comedic Mentor de Awesome
I was oohing and aahing (that’s right, I never ‘um’) over whether to even post about this, namely because it just seems to damn...
Jul 13, 20101 min read
On meeting my british, wizard-like Mister Miyagi
My computer’s sound crashed this evening, as I set out to scream from the rooftops that today I…well, you shall see. Some may call this...

Jul 12, 20106 min read
Interview with Fiona O’Loughlin
Hey guys! Well, I promised you some interviews with faboosh mummies who are chasing – and living – the creative dream, so what the heck?...
Jul 10, 20101 min read
The Tree
Two days after we arrived back in Australia from our 2-year Canadian jaunt, my hubby scored a stint as a film set tutor, teaching child...

Jul 7, 20101 min read
5 Things Making Me Smile Right Now
1. Denise Daffara‘s beautiful work. I really do dig her stuff, and check this one out, this is her just MUCKING AROUND, PEOPLE!!! Ooh la...
Jul 6, 20102 min read
Wild Expectations: Writing and Living the Bucket List
“Nobody succeeds beyond his or her wildest expectations unless he or she begins with some wild expectations.” Ralph Charell. I had some...

Jun 29, 20102 min read
Your Questions Answered! Installment #1
Alrighty, as promised, it’s the all-new question time! It’s the first one now, so brace yourself: here we go! Dear, darling Comic Mummy...

Jun 8, 20101 min read
Sex and the City 2: A Belated and Super Efficient Review!
Dreaming of the Big City Oh boy I miss New York. Even moreso after seeing the new Sex and the City film tonight. You will find some far...

Nov 8, 20081 min read
Hey, hey, hey! It’s Pete Wentz, Superdad!
“Pete is the king of details, so he wants to make sure the baby’s room is just right – the right colors, the right sheets, the right...
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